Worldwide there are many stuck-on-the-runway fabric protectors, but get the whole flight plan.   
                             Compare us to any and all other products... point by point!




Most fabric protection products

1. Penetrates complete fiber and will survive many professional cleanings and normal wear.

1. Does not penetrate fiber, but coats only where spray hits. Cleaning or normal wear easily fractures the fabric protection and you must pay for re-application

2. Reduces sunfading significantly on most fabrics. Independent laboratory verification

2. No protection against sunfading. If claimed, no independent laboratory verification

3. MicroSeal has been thoroughly tested by independent laboratories from around the world.

3. No independent laboratory tests

4. Reduces smoke density

4. No protection. In fact, most fabric protectors are highly toxic when they burn.

5. Reduces flame spread.

5. No claims of reducing flame spread.

6. If flame retardant is applied to fabrics, retardant is sealed in so normal everyday cleaning won't remove.

6. No protection for flame retardant

7. Colorfast-has no effect on color or texture of treated fabrics.

7. Have been known to "yellow" light colored fabrics over time or when sprayed.

8. Mildew and static electricity resistance

8. No protection.

9. MicroSeal only attaches to fibers and will not seal in anything non-fibrous, so fabric / carpet does not have to be clean before application.


9. Many products will seal both fibrous and non-fibrous particles. Therefore, dirty fabrics treated with these chemicals will have dirt, stains, etc., sealed in at time of treatment.

10. Does not damage woodwork, metal
paint or glass. Safe and easy to use.

10. Will spot woodwork, metal and glass. Can cause problems if not removed quickly.

11. Can be used on any material with a fibrous nature including suedes and
smooth finished leathers

11. Cannot be used on some types of fabrics, such as suede or smooth finished leathers

12. MicroSeal is non-toxic and non-allergenic.

12. EPA test reports have cited health and environmental concerns with fabric protectors that use flurochemicals and PTFE Resin.


                                                                                        The Bead Test Comparison 

A simple bead test of a coater (fluorochems or PTFE Resin) vs. MicroSeal (a penetrator) will sometimes result in the “apparent superiority of the coater. This is because the coater will cover more of the space between the fibers while MicroSeal will penetrate and seal the individual fibers. Further testing simulating wear (manipulating the fabric, rubbing it, cleaning it, etc.) will result in the coater quickly breaking up and permanent stains on the fibers occurring thereafter. Even ordinary dirt can be difficult to vacuum because the broken coater material “hangs on” to the dirt. The MicroSeal will not break up, wear off, or clean off and will continue to protect the fibers from permanent stains and sun fading for many years. 

MicroSeal will always win the most important test of all...THE TEST OF TIME. More than words, 20 years in the aerospace industry, and worldwide independent laboratory testing speaks for itself.

Secret Formula Manufactured in a Carbon Free Facility

MicroSeal's non toxic, non allergenic Fabric Protection formula has no fluorochemcals or PTFE Resin (See EPA health concern) and is formulated in a Carbon-Free USA Facility.



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